Basic Functions

Kamala-HowTo video

The following video explains the basic functions of Kamala. The rest of this page will give an overview of these functions.

Kamala HowTo - Basic functions


If you start in Kamala and click on a topic map you see the dashboard with sections such as export, rename, delete. You can also see some favorite topics.

We presume in the examples below that you are browsing our public customer relationship management topic map, CRM demo .


If we click on the favorite topic Organization , then the tab page Instances will show us a list of organizations.

Buttons of a list

The first button in the toolbar of a list is the filter button. Clicking this button will toggle the filtering bar that allows you to select characteristics and values you can use as filters. Next to each characteristic value is a number that tells you how many items in the list will remain if that value is used as a filter. You can disable a filter by clicking it again.

The next button is the add button. You will see this button in lists you are allowed to add topics to. The list is context aware, meaning the new topic will be of the type represented by the list. For example: adding a topic to the Organization list will create a new organization.

Use the search button to filter the list based on the names of the items. The x button next to the search button can be used to cancel the search filtering.

The last button is the refresh button. It will reload the list, causing any changes made by other users to appear.


There are two distinct ways to display all the information regarding a topic. If a you are looking at the topic from a list, then you can click the name of the topic in the list to open the topic details on the right side. The other option is to browse to the topic page of the topic you want to view. You can do this by clicking the arrow button in the lists. Both ways will show you all information regarding the selected topic.

The screenshot below shows the detailed information on the organization topic Apple Inc .

Buttons and functions in a detail pane

The three buttons in the toolbar of the details pane are the refresh button, the button to merge items and the delete button.

At the left side there are grey plus buttons next to properties of the organization. Use these to add a name, address, city or one of the other relations.

Then more to the right are grey pencil buttons used for editing properties. For example, click on the pencil next to CEO to change the position of Steve Jobs.

At the far right you see downward pointing arrows, hover over them to see add scope and add reification . For Steve Jobs we added context by scoping the employment relation with past . Use reification to make a statement about an association, for instance adding a start date to the employment relation between Tim Cook and Apple as CEO.

The last function at the right is the delete button. This function will remove the selected relation between two items.